Em uma cooperação internacional, Profª Drª Patricia de sá Freire (UFSC) e Profª Drª Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini (UFSC) com o Prof. Dr Suliman Hawamdeh (University of North Texas, USA) publicam o livro “Knowledge Governance and Learning for Organizational Creativity and Transformation” pela World Scientific Publishing Co.
Em cada capítulo, diversos pesquisadores apresentam suas pesquisas e avanços da área de Governança do Conhecimento. Dentre os pesquisadores estão membros do Grupo IGTI e ENGIN do EGC – Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento / UFSC.
- Why Knowledge Governance and Learning. Patricia de Sá Freire, Suliman Hawamdeh, Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini, and Graziela Grando Bresolin
- Beyond Organizational Knowledge: Governance Mechanisms Applied to Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. Ricardo Pereira, Sicilia Vechi, Rosane Malvestiti and Neri dos Santos
- Knowledge Governance as a Key Factor in Interorganizational Learning. Julieta K. Watanabe-Wilbert, Carla S. Zandavalli and Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini
- Maturity Model for Ideas Management. Aline de Brittos Valdati, João Artur de Souza, Maria Isabel Sanchez Segura and Cynthya Garcia de Jesus
- Networked Innovation Laboratory Model for Public Sector. Willian Rochadel, Aline de Brittos Valdati, João Artur de Souza and Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini
- Cross-sector Partnerships in Social Innovation Initiatives: A Multiple Case Study in Portugal. Michele Andréia Borges, Márcia Aparecida Prim and João Artur de Souza.
- Highlighting the Paths of Social Innovation. Daniela de Oliveira Massad, Rosane Malvestiti, Ricardo Pereira and Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini
Today Learning Organizations are shaped by collective knowledge and the existence of teams and groups of people that are continuously developing their capacity and ability to create results. Knowledge-based organizations understand the importance of continually learning at all levels and facilitate learning for their members through empowering people, encouraging collaboration, and promoting open dialogue. Organizational management issues have become strategic and fundamental in the collection and sharing of data and information and are recognized as challenging to both public and private organizations around the world. This has created the need to knowledge governance mechanisms to support Knowledge Management practices in organizations.
For this governance, the mechanisms and procedures that encompass Knowledge Management, advancing beyond the traditional Corporate Governance (CorpGov) model, have been consolidated into a new governance model described as Knowledge Governance (KGov). Such model considers the processes of the knowledge related to the use, creation, retention, integration and sharing. In order to implement governance, it is essential to develop competencies and establish corporate policies and structures focusing on respect for common interests and collective goals. In this context, mechanisms must be created for the creation, sharing, storage and transfer of knowledge, making changes happen in synergy and adding value to the organization as a whole.
The book covers the newly emerging area of knowledge governance and Learning Organizations and expands our understanding of Learning Organizations and their ability to acquire, create and share knowledge while continually examining organizational behavioral issues affecting their productivity.
O primeiro capítulo está disponível gratuitamente: Why Knowledge Governance and Learning (Patricia de Sá Freire, Suliman Hawamdeh, Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini and Graziela Grando Bresolin) em https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/11933